This collection of images were created for the Clean Energy Regulator for their Carbon Farming Initiative.

A recent portrait of Nicholas Milton, Conductor of the Canberra Symphony Orchestra.

I photographed this lovely family about 3 years ago. These beautiful twins were just stating to walk and were full of mischief… … And now they are five and have just started school and have a beautiful baby brother. I love photographing families as they grow. It is one of the big joys of my...

I had such a fun time photographing this wedding on top of Mount Stromlo. Andrea arrived on a vespa  scooter which set the tone for a fun and playful wedding and I do not believe I saw the smile leave her face the whole day. I love weddings like this. They seem to have their...

After 20 years and 3 gorgeous kids my older bro finally got married. We all trekked to Brrome for the most beautiful (albeit hot) wedding. Here are a few pics. I will post more when I have waded my way through them all.

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