Category Archives: Branding Images

I Have been photographing Nicholas Milton, Artistic Director and Chief Conductor, Canberra Symphony Orchestra for the past 6 years now. Here are a few of my favourite portraits.

This is my 6th season brochure for the Canberra Symphony Orchestra. this year we departed from imagery of the musicians or instruments and decided to create a series of images around New Acton celebrating the colours and textures. (Portraits of the soloists are not mine)  

Yet another year of working with the Canberra Symphony Orchestra. This year the brief was to create range if images of musical instruments and the details and textures. the images were to resemble the look of black and white film.  It was a fun shoot shot over several days at the Nishi gallery  

This is the second shoot for the Griffyn Ensemble’s 2013 concert Series. This image is for their “Earth” Concert. The tree theme came about to support the world premiere of Griffyn director Michael Sollis’ (pictured below) City of Trees Suite, made up of music written for the Canberra Centenary’s City of Trees.

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