Category Archives: Documentary

I have been the official photographer the Canberra Symphony Orchestra since 2009. Here are but a few of the images I have created for them over the years.

I recently went back to Lerida Estate Winery  at Lake George, NSW to update some of their images. I love this sort of work because I get to explore a range of photographic styles. Although photographing wine bottles in the open air cellar with lots of gusty wind was a little challenging.

This has taken me a while to post these images. However better lat than never I say. While the country was rushing to the polls we decided to head out west to see the water at the Macquarie Marshes Nature Reserve (about 3 hours north of Dubbo, NSW, Australia). My yummy man Dave worked worked...

At the end of last month I spend a day documenting the ANU School of Music’s Open Day. It was a busy frantic day going from one event to another. They had an action packed program of recitals, concerts, workshops, exhibitions, displays, tours and master classes.

A few weeks ago I documented the dress rehearsal of the ANU School of Music’s Opera, Dido and Aeneas, at the Street Theatere, Canberra. The brief was to document the performance and backstage. I love this sort of work. I love observing what is going on and creating images to tell the story. Sometimes I...

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