Category Archives: Family Portraits

Just before Christmas I photographed this gorgeous family. We had a fun afternoon running around in the forest. They were waiting the arrival of their newest member to their family who is due any moment now (if they haven’t arrived already). We also did some beautiful belly images at their house beforehand.

My niece Ellie is now almost 5 months old and she is looking gorgeous. I however am a bit of a slack aunt I created these images back in August when she was 7 weeks. I think it is about time I do some more.  

I photographed  Tom and Alina about 2 weeks before their little one arrived. Well it is about 5 months on and their little one is a beautiful bouncing boy called Archie. We had an awesome time playing, laughing, crying (only Archie), feeding (thanks Al for the yummy waffles),  sliding around on our tummies and Archie...

I have been photographing Zoe throughout her pregnancy documenting the various growth stages. Here are few beautiful portraits we did the other day with her partner Drew.

At the beginning of this month my younger brother Alan and sister-in-law Leanne gave birth to a gorgeous little girl. She is so tiny and perfect and was in a bit of a rush 3 weeks early and was nearly born in the car on the way to the birthing centre. Here she is just...

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