Category Archives: Headshots

I first met Caroline Spencer when I did some family portraits for her when her first sone was born. I then did some more when her second son was born.  She is a beautiful person and as it turns out a kick-ass accountant who is now the WA Auditor General. I did these portraits for...

Maartje Sevenster is a talented woman who wears many hats. She is a talented classical musician and singer as well as running a consultancy business in life-cycle thinking and sustainability assessments. Her brief was to create her a suite of headshot and branding portraits she could use for bother her professions. We created the images in...

I love working with creative people. They are generally really open to ideas. Clarke Keller are a really creative dynamic Architectural firm. I photographed them over 4 years ago and they have really expanded since then. For these images we wanted to create a range if images of each person that went beyond your usual...

The most important part of your business is you and your people.   In this highly digital world, I believe that people want to see the human side of business, they want to connect with people, they want to put a face to a name. A face that is friendly, confident, relaxed; a person they...

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