Category Archives: My Family

After having Mabel I appreciate more than ever the importance of family portraits. You little ones grow so quickly and it is easy to get caught up in the day to day routine of life and forget to document the little things. I know as I often get caught up and forget to pull out...

It has been a long, amazing, sad, sleepless, ecstatic, wonderful couple of years since I blogged last. My beautiful, exquisite, miracle daughter Amabella (Mabel) was born on the 13th of November 2013. Things didn’t go quite according to plan starting at 34 weeks when I broke my leg and got a blood clot which threw...

I am a little late with all my posts. Here are a few images from a shoot I did over the Christmas Holidays on the beach ar Narrawallee, NSW. I was a little nervous doing this shoot as my new brother in law Peter is a highly regarded cameraman who has shot assignments all over...

I love this image of my gorgeous niece and brother ready to go to the beach. She is such a character. Love the glasses xox

I love how life has some wonderful twists and turns. Almost 3 years ago I felt like my life was in tatters. My marriage and business partnership of 13 years came to an abrupt end and all of a sudden I was on my own. I felt like I had to start from scratch. All...

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