Category Archives: Portraits

I like nothing more than to be invited to document the growth of a family. I photographed the awesome Richard and Rachel from RTM Design just before their third little one came into the world. Here are some more recent images xox

Here are some fun images I did for a recent production at the Canberra Theatre called “Rolling Home”.

Over the last year I have moved to Gundaroo a little town just to the north of Canberra. It has been a wonderful journey and adventure and I am beginning to meet some really interesting and inspiring people who are living their passions and paving a healthy way for their families with all the goodness...

I never tire of photographing babies. Their innocence and complete lack of pretense is wonderful. They just are themselves. They don’t know how to be anything else yet. This beautiful little man took his time to come to his parents but he is here now and making his presence felt oh so warmly and beautifully....

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