Category Archives: Uncategorized

I Have been photographing Nicholas Milton, Artistic Director and Chief Conductor, Canberra Symphony Orchestra for the past 6 years now. Here are a few of my favourite portraits.

A few weeks ago I documented the dress rehearsal of the ANU School of Music’s Opera, Dido and Aeneas, at the Street Theatere, Canberra. The brief was to document the performance and backstage. I love this sort of work. I love observing what is going on and creating images to tell the story. Sometimes I...

Hello Everyone, I am such a dummy. Last week I uploaded information about my services which you will find under services on my main menu (please check them out). I just had a call from a new client and she pointed out that I had in my portrait services and little typo. It really is...

Over the years I photographed a range of jobs for this very talented graphic design firm. Check them out PaperMonkey The briefs are generally pretty open and free form and they always seem to make my images look great in their layouts. Most of the jobs have been to create a series of images that...

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