Category Archives: Architectural Photography

Photographing large group portraits can be really challenging to do to make look interesting. On this shoot the brief was to show the all of the staff members but I did not have to show everyone clearly. The idea was to give a sense of the size of the firm so if someone joined the...

The brief for this shoot was to create a range of “stock style” imagery of the Canberra office of the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS). The ABS were in the process of changing their workspaces from the traditional one desk in a corral to more freeform workspaces with the emphasis on collaboration. Each staff member...

Just photographed this modest, simple and elegant house for Architect Grahame Legge of the Design Foundry, near the Budawangs, NSW. It was designed for 2 couples to share with a bedroom wing for each and a combined living space. Every space exuded light and made the most of the views to the stunning bushland and...

At the end of last year I was commissioned to photograph some new boutique accommodation in Gundaroo, NSW called The Nest.

Recently I have been commissioned to photograph some houses for Gundaroo Architect Grahame Legge, Design Foundry. This job has taken me back to one of my earlier passions. I trained to be an architect (way back when), I did not become a registered architect as a career as a photographer beckoned. This house was in...

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