Category Archives: Corporate Portraits

I first met Caroline Spencer when I did some family portraits for her when her first sone was born. I then did some more when her second son was born.  She is a beautiful person and as it turns out a kick-ass accountant who is now the WA Auditor General. I did these portraits for...

Maartje Sevenster is a talented woman who wears many hats. She is a talented classical musician and singer as well as running a consultancy business in life-cycle thinking and sustainability assessments. Her brief was to create her a suite of headshot and branding portraits she could use for bother her professions. We created the images in...

I love working with creative people. They are generally really open to ideas. Clarke Keller are a really creative dynamic Architectural firm. I photographed them over 4 years ago and they have really expanded since then. For these images we wanted to create a range if images of each person that went beyond your usual...

Photographing large group portraits can be really challenging to do to make look interesting. On this shoot the brief was to show the all of the staff members but I did not have to show everyone clearly. The idea was to give a sense of the size of the firm so if someone joined the...

The most important part of your business is you and your people.   In this highly digital world, I believe that people want to see the human side of business, they want to connect with people, they want to put a face to a name. A face that is friendly, confident, relaxed; a person they...

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