Category Archives: Editorial

I met Fiona quite a few years ago and we just clicked. We realised that we are the same age, went to the same college (although we did not know each other) and then both went on to study Architecture. Fiona in Sydney and me in Canberra. Fiona continued to grow a lovely career in...

I have been the official photography partner of the Canberra Symphony Orchestra (CSO) for the past 2 years and it is my pleasure to be continuing my support through 2012. For this program we departed from the last two years. I worked in collaboration with Richard and Rachel from RTM design to created this series...

I have photographed a range of schools and educational institutions over the years. I love this sort of work. I get to create a range of different images to help tell the story of the school. On this day I photographed from the early learning centre through to year 12 classes. I went to technology,...

At the end of last month I spend a day documenting the ANU School of Music’s Open Day. It was a busy frantic day going from one event to another. They had an action packed program of recitals, concerts, workshops, exhibitions, displays, tours and master classes.

A few weeks ago I documented the dress rehearsal of the ANU School of Music’s Opera, Dido and Aeneas, at the Street Theatere, Canberra. The brief was to document the performance and backstage. I love this sort of work. I love observing what is going on and creating images to tell the story. Sometimes I...

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