Category Archives: Editorial

This was a fun shoot for Bokbo Babies and Kids online store. The kids were fantastic and the clothes are beautiful, well crafted, colourful, hardy and eco. As a mum of a little girl it is refreshing to find clothes that are not overtly pink for girls and blue for boys.

I have been the official photographer the Canberra Symphony Orchestra since 2009. Here are but a few of the images I have created for them over the years.

When I was approached by Sunday Style Magazine to do a series of portraits of Emma and David for a feature story on love I had know idea who I was photographing. My brief was to create a series of images of the couple doing the things they love together. They were a really sweet...

This was a recent photoshoot for the cover of Insurance Business Magazine. I was given an incredibly short timeframe and a dull board room to shoot in. When I realised I was not going to get a portrait with impact I quickly moved to the corridor. Luckily Minister Shorten was ameniable.

A recent portrait of Nicholas Milton, Conductor of the Canberra Symphony Orchestra.

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