Category Archives: Music

This shoot was originally going to be in an airport lounge as the concert will take place in an industrial hanger and will include their own unique version of Brian Eno’s Music for Airports, however we were unable to get the right permissions in time. Susan and Wyana flew in from Brisbane and Melbourne that...

This is the second shoot for the Griffyn Ensemble’s 2013 concert Series. This image is for their “Earth” Concert. The tree theme came about to support the world premiere of Griffyn director Michael Sollis’ (pictured below) City of Trees Suite, made up of music written for the Canberra Centenary’s City of Trees.

This year for the Griffyn Ensemble I am doing a series of portraits for their 2013 concert series. The themes of their concerts are Water, Earth, Air and Stars. This shoot was for the water concert promotion. We had planned to photograph on Lake George, NSW. The morning of the shoot was freezing, raining, sleeting...

I have been the official photography partner for the Canberra Symphony Orchestra for the past 3 years and I am excited to share a couple of the images for their 2013 program. I will have more images  to share soon.

Here are some fun images I did for a recent production at the Canberra Theatre called “Rolling Home”.

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