Category Archives: Portraits

Freelance harpist and pianist, the talented and lovely Meriel Owen has performed with pretty much every Australian Symphony Orchestra. Meriel approached me to create a series of portraits for her newly awarded Churchill fellowship.

When I was approached by Sunday Style Magazine to do a series of portraits of Emma and David for a feature story on love I had know idea who I was photographing. My brief was to create a series of images of the couple doing the things they love together. They were a really sweet...

This was a recent photoshoot for the cover of Insurance Business Magazine. I was given an incredibly short timeframe and a dull board room to shoot in. When I realised I was not going to get a portrait with impact I quickly moved to the corridor. Luckily Minister Shorten was ameniable.

I photographed this lovely family about 3 years ago. These beautiful twins were just stating to walk and were full of mischief… … And now they are five and have just started school and have a beautiful baby brother. I love photographing families as they grow. It is one of the big joys of my...

I photographed the beautiful and courageous Kate and her Husband earlier this year when she found out she had breast cancer. I had known Kate from many years before but had not seen her in a long time. A mutual friend of ours asked me to do some photos for them. At the time she...

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